Mikalob ♥ RIP
12 year old Jack Russell Terrier – Crossed the rainbow bridge mid 2016
Mikalob joined Christopher Brauer in 2003 as a personal companion dog prior to Christopher becoming a dog trainer. As Mikalob grew, he started to develop some pretty intense anxiety. As the anxiety worsened, Christopher started searching for options to help resolve the anxiety. After trying multiple different training styles, Christopher found one that helped bring Mikalob back to a balanced state of mind! In turn, Mikalob turned Christoper’s life around and set him on the path into becoming a dog trainer! Mikalob served as a wonderful demo dog and helped rehabilitate numerous dogs prior to being retired earlier this year.
10 year old German Shepherd Dog
Canine Good Citizen Certified
Boa joined Brittany Robinson’s family in 2007. At 16 weeks old, Brittany hired a professional trainer to help her start him off on the right track. At 8 months of age, she had him trained for on and off leash obedience. It was at this point she found her passion for training, and started shadowing her trainer to learn more. Afterwards, Brittany attended National K9 School for Dog Trainers with Boa and trained him in various disciplines; scent detection, tracking and trailing, certified service dog and protection training. As a multi-purpose canine, Boa became Brittany’s number one demo dog and has since gone on to help her rehabilitate 1000’s of dogs with varieties of issues. Boa is semi-retired and likes to kick back and relax now.
9 year old Pit Bull
Jenni joined Christopher Brauer in 2014 for training. She was a foster dog through Rebound Hounds and had a ton of behavior and health issues. Jenni was diagnosed with pyometra shortly after arriving at K9GTI for training and almost didn’t survive. After her surgery, she took months to recover. Once her health was under control, it was time to get her behavior under control. Jenni had extreme fear and massive amounts of anxiety, which she displayed in the form of aggressive outbursts towards people and other dogs. After 3 months of working with Jenni, rehabilitating her and getting her completely healthy mentally and physically, Christopher decided that Jenni was where she needed to be. He ended up as a foster failure and Jenni became part of his family.
8 year old German Shepherd Dog
Canine Good Citizen Certified
Cordillia, aka Cordi, came to Brittany Robinson in 2009 as a birthday present from her mother. Cordi started her training right away and quickly learned all of her obedience. In 2012, Cordillia attended Michael Ellis School for Dog Trainers with Brittany and started learning an entirely new system of training. She has since gone on to be trained for scent detection, as well as protection training. Brittany affectionately calls Cordillia the “thorn in her side”.
7 year old Border Collie Mix
Canine Good Citizen Certified
Expert Level Certified Trick Dog
Certified Service Dog
Penelope, aka Nelly, aka Panini, was adopted from Pima Animal Control Center in 2010 at 8 weeks old by Brittany Robinson. Penelope quickly showed off how gentle and sensitive she was, and the power she had at helping rehabilitate dogs with fearful and aggressive issues. She has travel all over the world with Brittany learning and helping others learn. Penelope knows over 60 tricks, is Brittany’s #1 demo dog and loves to perform shows for children’s birthday parties. She steals the show everywhere she goes because of her amazing temperament and sweet demeanor.
3 year old Terrier mix
Einstein came to K9GTI after another pet related company in town adopted him as their temperament testing dog. When things didn’t work out, they rehomed him with us. He is the sweetest couch potato and snuggle dog we have. He came from the Humane Society of Southern Arizona. He has fit into our lives and pack extremely well and we are glad that we could provide him a home. His role at K9GTI is an ambassador of cuteness!
3 year old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier mix
Frankie is a foster failure through RAD Rescue. We fostered him for 3 months after pulling him from Pima Animal Care Center. He had gone through their decompression program for intense fear issues. He has come a long way since then and is now one of our cutest demonstration dogs! He is a great example of the power of positive reinforcement, relationship building and time! We are thrilled to have him as part of our family!
2.5 year old Pit Bull
Ella was a previous training client of K9 Guidance To Inclusion. After a few months, her previous owner realized that Ella was not a good fit. We offered to foster Ella until a home that matched Ella’s needs could be found. After only a few weeks, it was obvious that Ella was where she was meant to be. We made it official, opened our home and brought Ella into our pack. She is a soft-hearted and playful girl who enjoys cuddling on the couch. Ella has become one of our top demonstrations dog for potential clients, showing the power of good training!
2.5 year old Bernese Mountain Dog
Indie joined the K9 Guidance to Inclusion team from WCC’s Bernese Mountain Dogs in Eagle Mountain, Utah in July 2015. She has a heart of gold and the goofiest personality you could ask for. Indie plays a vital role in the K9GTI team as a pack member to help rehabilitate other dogs that have fearful or aggressive tendencies towards their own kind. She is also our #1 main demo dog and obedience extraordinaire!
2 year old Cairn Terrier
Fini, pronounced Feenee, joined the K9GTI team early June 2015 and came all the way from New Jersey to Arizona. Fini is a very toy driven and eager little man who has big plans coming up in his future. He has begun his training to take over as the new mini demo dog for K9GTI with hopes of continuing on to do barn hunt, agility and weight pull. Keep an eye on this little dude as he continues to shine and excel in his training!
2 year old old Border Collie
Stark came to Brittany and Christopher from the Jiffy Pup Border Collie’s in Rome, Georgia. Stark has started his intense training to work with Brittany in a variety of performance sports: agility, herding, disc dog, dock diving, freestyle dancing and more. He is an incredibly agile and fast paced dude. His people, playing tug and treats are what really gets his motor running! Stark has an extremely bright future ahead of him!
1 year old Bernese Mountain Dog
Tris is the newest Berner to join our pack. She comes from WCC Bernese Mountain Dogs in Eagle Mountain, Utah. She has incredible personality, drive and temperament. She is currently is training to become an awesome demo dog, showing everyone how awesome training your dog can be. Tris is bouncy, bubbly and so much fun!
1 year old Terrier mix
Bucco came from the streets of Tucson when he was rescued. The good Samaritans that pulled him from the side of the road at about 4 months old put out a plea to find him a good home that night, as they were unable to care for him. We took action and at 11pm made the drive to pick him up. It was quickly obvious he was the newest member of our family. Bucco is a smart, funny and incredibly cute little guy. He loves to shuffle everywhere he goes. Bucco is currently training to become one of our little fantastic demo dogs!
4 month old Bernese Mountain Dog
Deja joined us from WCC’s Bernese Mountain Dogs in Eagle Mountain, Utah along with Indie and Tris. She is a spunky, bouncy and sweet little girl. Deja enjoys snuggling, playing and hanging out with her dog friends. She is super social and pretty lazy!